Call for Abstract

34th World Neonatal, Pediatric and Family Medicine Conference, will be organized around the theme “”

FANEOTRICS 2025 is comprised of keynote and speakers sessions on latest cutting edge research designed to offer comprehensive global discussions that address current issues in FANEOTRICS 2025

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Family medicine (FM), formerly known as family practise (FP), is a medical speciality that focuses on providing comprehensive health care to patients of all ages. They are patient's first point of contact for health issues. Family physician or family doctors are the terms used to describe the specialists. Endoscopy, family planning, and early pregnancy evaluation are all procedures that family physicians are trained to conduct.

The Division of General Pediatrics focuses on providing excellent clinical care to patients from all socioeconomic backgrounds and with all degrees of medical complexity, as well as conducting cutting-edge health services research and developing future academic leaders in general pediatrics. Now-a-days the goal of comprehensive primary care is to keep the child healthy.

The goal of the Pediatrics Oncology Branch is to enhance knowledge in order to enhance outcomes for kids with tumour predisposition illnesses. A solution for the early diagnosis and treatment of disease in children and adolescents includes paediatric oncology conferences. Tyke tumour is thought to have an annual passing rate of about 96,000 and a global event of more than 175,000 for continually. In developed nations, the mortality rate among youth danger is around 20%. Children and teenagers with the following conditions are diagnosed, treated, and managed by paediatric haematologists and oncologists:

Pediatric dentists are dental health specialists who focus on providing care for infants and kids with specific medical needs. A paediatric dentist has the knowledge and skills required to take care of a child's teeth, gums, and mouth in addition to offering a range of treatment choices. Children who do not receive enough dental care run the danger of getting cavities and other diseases that can cause them pain and discomfort for the rest of their lives.

Neonatal care is a nursing specialty that takes care of newborns with a variety of conditions, including prematurity, birth defects, infection, cardiac anomalies, surgical problems, and so on. Most neonatal nurses provide care for newborns from the time of birth until they are transferred out of the hospital. The most rigorous duties fall to neonatal practitioners, who work in NICUs with ventilators and incubators, assess babies' responses, and instruct parents on how to properly care for their infants.

Women's health is a medical speciality that is concerned with the treatment and diagnosis of conditions that have an impact on a woman's physical and mental well-being. One of the most significant medical specialties that addresses concerns related to women's health is gynaecology. Healthy eating, prenatal vitamins, and medications are a few of the prenatal and labouring treatments. The care of women during pregnancy, labour, and the postpartum period, as well as the care of the newborn, is the focus of midwifery. The basic objective is to recognise abnormal circumstances, prevent health issues during pregnancy, get medical attention when necessary, and act appropriately if help is not immediately available.

Pediatric cardiologists specialise in the diagnosis and treatment of congenital cardiac disease, arrhythmias, and pulmonary hypertension in children. Pediatric cardiologists collaborate closely with pediatric cardiac surgeons to determine the best therapies and strategies for children who may require heart surgery.

The right diet is essential for good health. Infants consume little meals at a time, therefore it's important to pay close attention during this time. The most significant intrauterine environmental factor that influences the expression of the foetal genome and might cause developmental problems later in life is paediatric nutrition. Always provide the child with wholesome protein-rich foods, like meat, nuts, and eggs. Because they are high in fibre, whole-grain breads and cereals should be offered.

The medical care given to children from birth to adolescence in a hospital or clinic setting is known as pediatric nursing. To provide the finest medical care for kids, pediatric nurses regularly work with other medical specialists. They are essential in keeping an eye on the wellbeing of young patients and offering them attention and support during their therapy. Research conducted in the area of pediatric nursing has served as the foundation for the present practise trends. the following are typical tendencies

Pediatric psychology focuses on both the formation of healthy behaviours and the psychological effects of illness in children and adolescents. A developmental system addresses psychological issues, reiterating the dynamic relationship between children and their families. Some of the common research topics include the effects of children with medical illnesses, the treatment of emotional and behavioural aspects of sickness, and the promotion of healthy behaviours and developmentally appropriate responses to developmental impairments. Pediatric psychologists work in a variety of settings and are responsible for a range of tasks, like as

The conferences' primary areas of interest are child health and basic paediatric research. Clinical pediatrics places a strong emphasis on clinical reports on diagnosis and other treatment aspects, as well as issues like ADHD, alternative medicine, antibiotics, bicycle injuries, new combination vaccines, childhood obesity, head lice, human papilloma virus (HPV) vaccine, managing hypertension, and new diabetes treatment. Practice management, resident education, and paediatric emergencies. Clinical paediatrics frequently concentrates on issues specific to practise, including

The diagnosis, management, and surgical care of patients are the focus of the general surgery subspecialty known as pediatric surgery. Pediatric surgery may be required for congenital conditions such lymphangioma, cleft lip and palate, esophageal atresia and tracheoesophageal fistula, hypertrophic pyloric stenosis, and others. Heart surgery in children

Neuromuscular disorders, such as myasthenia gravis and congenital myasthenic syndromes, affect the muscles, the neuromuscular junction, the nerves (neuropathies), and the anterior horn motor neurons (spinal muscular atrophies). In the neonatal phase, they are present as floppy newborn syndrome with or without contractures. Clinically significant respiratory dysfunction and swallowing issues are frequently accompanied by hypotonia and weakness.

Congenital abnormalities are brought on by issues that emerge throughout the foetus' prenatal development. Parents must be in good health and receive sufficient prenatal care in order to reduce the likelihood of preventable congenital abnormalities. Early identification of the chromosomal and genetic causes of congenital abnormalities has been made possible by improvements in perinatal testing and novel diagnostic techniques. The signs of paediatric neuromuscular disease include

The area of medicine that deals with digestive diseases and disorders called pediatric medicine. Pediatric gastroenterologists typically treat the following conditions:

The diagnosis and management of paediatric respiratory system problems are the focus of pediatric pulmonology. Pediatrics and pulmonary medicine are combined. Pediatric pulmonologists are specialists in the treatment of respiratory illnesses and problems in children, including complex chest infections, pneumonia, TB, and asthma. Flexible Fiberoptic Bronchoscopy (FFB) and Pulmonary Function Testing are both part of paediatric pulmonary medicine. These tests can be carried out in a variety of ways to meet the needs of children and are non-invasive. An FFB allows pulmonologists to view within the lungs using a fiberoptic scope.

Children's infectious disorders are anomalies brought on by living things including pathogens, parasites, organisms, and germs. Numerous living things are found in and on our bodies. Although most infectious diseases are benign or even pediatric in nature and supportive, some life forms have the potential to spread infection in specific situations. Contagious diseases can be passed from one person to the next. Pediatric infectious diseases specialists address problems of the immune system brought on by bacteria, viruses, fungi, and parasites. Other paediatric infectious diseases specialists are consulted for infections that are complex or rare, including

Frequently, newborn infants who need severe medical care are admitted to a hospital's neonatal intensive care unit (NICU). The NICU offers specialised care for the tiniest infants thanks to its cutting-edge facilities and highly trained medical staff. Babies that aren't as ill but still need specialised nursing care may be accommodated in NICUs. Newborns must be moved to another facility since some hospitals are unable to staff a NICU due to a lack of funding. Babies that require critical care do better if they are born in a hospital with a NICU than if they are moved afterward. The following are some of the things that can endanger a child and increase their likelihood of having a premature birth and being admitted to the NICU.

The area of medicine called dermatology is concerned with identifying and treating issues with the skin, hair, and nails. Babies may experience a range of skin issues soon after birth; these conditions often only last a few days before going away. A physician who focuses on diagnosing and treating infants with benign and malignant skin anomalies is known as a neonatologist or pediatric dermatologist.